Hello WUE Students and Families,
Remember tonight (Friday 2/28) is our Glow Party at the WUE. Students can still come, they will just need to purchase a ticket at the door.
Have a great weekend everyone, and make sure you take some time to look at everything below, so you are up to date with EVERYTHING WUE!
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to the WUE starting this Wednesday. Classes will schedule times to attend, and that communication will come from your Child's Homeroom Teacher.
We also want to share some other great info as well about the Book Fair...
Items for the Book Fair can also be purchased online from home.
There is a cash-free option available for purchases as well called an E-Wallet.
Families can also shop with their child during Parent Teacher Conferences on 3/13 from 5-8pm in the WUE Learning Commons in the center of the school.
More information and details on all things Book Fair, can be found in the Book Fair Section below in the Weekly Warrior.
Spring Picture Day is coming up next week, so make sure your student is dressed for pictures. All students will be taking their pictures this day, and if you would like to order pictures please do so through the information below.
We have a half day on Friday the 7th. Please make sure you mark your calendars. If you want your child to have lunch to take home that day, please fill out the form in the section below.
Parent- Teacher Conferences are coming up on Thursday, March 13th From 1-8pm. You should have received an email from your students’ teachers in regards to signing up for them. Please make sure you sign up in advance and remember that we have two sessions of conferences with two different approaches, so please make sure you sign up for the session that fits your schedule best.
The first session is from 1-4pm and will be virtual conferences.
The second session is from 5-8pm and will be in-person conferences.
The WUE Counseling Department will be hosting a Career Day event on April 17th. We are looking for parents interested in sharing information about their career with our students. We will hold the event in the school gym and students will come to the gym in large groups to visit your table. We have a limited number of spots for each career and are looking for a variety of different career options for students to learn about. Please let us know if you are interested by filling out this form. We will let everyone know who was selected by March 20
Our Mid-Year i-Ready assessments are complete and if you are interested in viewing your students updated scores, please see below for all of the details and steps you will need to do so.
Please click on links for a letter and steps below to access your child's i-Ready Report.
Parent Letter
For Family Guidance on I-Ready Report watch the video Family Report Video
Have a great weekend and as always, if you need anything at all please let me know!
Mr. G